Legal Question in Personal Injury in Nevada

Escrow Company Did NOT disburse funds to my Creditors at Close of Ecrow


I purchased a home in March of 2003. At the time there were 2 medical collection accounts on my credit report which my lender required me to pay off via the Escrow company. I paid the amount to the escrow company (I have my receipt)and was assured they would pay off the accounts.

Over a year later, I pulled my credit report only to find that the collection accounts still appear.

I called the escrow company and they agree that I did pay them but they did not pay the creditors. They said ''their checks must have been floating in la la land'' because they didn't have the addresses of the creditors. The escrow company has had my money for over a year and never contacted me or my lender to ask for any info. They apologized and are now sending me a refund check but that does NOT help my credit situation.

My question is do I have any recourse? I assumed these accounts had been paid off but they have been damaging my credit score for the past year. I have paid excessive premiums for insurance and have been turned down for credit cards & loans. In addition, my re-finance on my house will now cost me significantly more.

Please advise if you have ever heard of a case like this and how I should proceed.

Asked on 6/08/04, 5:45 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joel Selik

Re: Escrow Company Did NOT disburse funds to my Creditors at Close of Ecrow

You have a case, but its value is probably not large, depending on what you use your credit for. You may wish to consider small claims.

Joel Selik

Las Vegas and San Diego




Licensed to Practice Law in California and Nevada Only


Personal Injury, Contracts, Tax Matters, Business,

Malpractice, Appeals, Elder Neglect/Abuse/Nursing Home Malpractice

Real Estate, and Other Legal Matters

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We, therefore will take no action on your behalf unless a written retainer agreement is signed. There are strict deadlines, called statutes of limitation, within which claims or lawsuits must be filed. Therefore, if you do not retain SELIKLAW, you should immediately seek the services of another attorney or other advisor.

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Answered on 6/09/04, 8:09 pm

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