Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New York


There is a person posting my picture without my picture and I need help on getting it removed from the site...they are ruining my reputation not to mention the slander...Now I have the owner of the website name, address, and phone number.......I also asked the server host if they would remove and I got was rude remaks and wanting my drivers license to prove it was way am I gonna do that that's setting me up for indenty theft...

Asked on 9/10/07, 6:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark S. Moroknek Kelly & Curtis, PLLC.

Re: Privacy

Is your photo being used to advertise a product, or in support of a statement that you disagree with? There are two sections in the Civil Rights Law that make it a crime as well as provide a cause of action for invasion of privacy, if that is the situation. You can also obtain an injunction to remove the photo.

If you would like to discuss this with me email or contact my office for an appointment.

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Answered on 9/11/07, 8:10 am

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