Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Pennsylvania

child abuse

I was eight when my mom brought home my stepfather. The day my life changed. My first real memory of this man was having him backhand me in the back seat of his car for complaining about cigarette smoke. He hit me so hard he made my mom cry. As a child I wittnessed him committ many crimes, burgulary of a residence, auto theft. Some of these crimes were comitted as a police officer and he used his position to do more criminal acts. His abuses aganist me are many and vairied. I have problems with my teeth as a child which has been linked to the second hand smoke, etc... I'm 46. To this very day he controls my life and dishes out the pain in what ever form available. I recently and for the first time in my life let him know how I feel. I have not seen my eight year old son, Greyson, since, nearly three months ago. I am sick with grief. I left home at age 14. I could not take another beating, the sound of his voice made me ill.

Today's situtation more closely ressembles an episode of Springer, with my stepfather and my sons grandmother are shacking up so she can collect mutiple widows pensions for the past ten years. Can anyone out there help me get this monkey off my back?

Asked on 8/13/07, 5:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alan Wagner Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore P.A.

Re: child abuse

You are 46 years old. You should leave if you are still with the family. There are women and abuse centrers that can help. If your son is with him, you should get him.

Too much time has passed for you to bring a claim for what ocurred to you as a child if these matters ocurred in Florida. Good luck to you.

Take the monkey off your back and throw it in the sewer.

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Answered on 8/14/07, 8:40 am

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