Legal Question in Business Law in Connecticut

I would like to redomesticate an LLC from CT to DE. The secretary of state advised that I file my own document according to chapter 616 statutes. I need advice on how to create the form. Once done, the DE side is simpler as they have a formal domestication process to accept a foreign LLC. We moved to NJ from CT with the LLC and won't be heading back in the near future and don't want to domesticate in NJ - due to future possibility of moving.

Asked on 5/26/16, 6:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You would need to do three filings (with CT, DE and then with NJ) as well as amend the LLC's internal documents and issue the appropriate company resolutions.

If this is a one member LLC then the process is not overly complex however it does require the proper care and attention. If there are multiple members then need to align everyone first by issuing the relevant resolutions and notices in accordance with the existing operating agreement.

I highly recommend that you do not file anything without first consulting with an attorney. It's a lot more costly to try and undo mistakes than to do it right the first time.

Please contact me directly for assistance with this.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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Answered on 5/26/16, 9:14 pm

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