Legal Question in Personal Injury in Indiana

Harassment, Defamation of Character, Slander

I have a company that hires contracted labor throughout the US. Upon hiring individuals for the labor, we have them sign a contract stating that they are aware that payment can take 60-90 days and sometimes longer because we wait for our client to pay us first. One individual has sent emails to my clients, other employees and has posted things on the net naming this company, etc. What can I do to stop this? And now that I have payment to pay him, should I even pay him or save it for legal fees.

Asked on 3/07/07, 6:50 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Mary J. Hoeller, R.N., J.D. Attorney At Law

Re: Harassment, Defamation of Character, Slander

I believe that what you are doing is illegal. You need to check with the Indiana Wage statute and consult with an attorney. You may be subjecting yourself to treble wages and attorney fees for each of your employees.

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Answered on 3/07/07, 7:12 pm
Samuel Hasler Samuel Hasler

Re: Harassment, Defamation of Character, Slander

First, pay the wages or pay more attorney fees. Second, as the commentator wrote, you got a real problem with how you are paying wages. Third, if your business is that big you need an attorney or risk having more problems. As for defamation, truth is an absolute defense.

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Answered on 3/07/07, 9:56 pm

Re: Harassment, Defamation of Character, Slander

It is unclear to me whether these are employees or independent contractors. If employees, you have a problem as indicated by the other attorneys, if independent contractors, you might be o.k.

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Answered on 3/08/07, 1:27 am

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