Legal Question in Intellectual Property in New York

I have a patent that my co-assignee wrote together. We had a business that didn't work using that patent. He moved to another state and publicly developed another business using that patent with 2 of our investors. It is unclear if they are still using our old corporation. Do I have recourse?

Asked on 1/13/17, 6:24 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

You may have recourse either through the patent or through legal fiduciary obligations that partners may have towards one another under certain circumstances. In addition, you may have claims (also known as causes of action) against your partner and investors for interfering with your own business and any contractual obligations that you may currently have in connection with the original business.

You have a good legal starting point. The details need to be reviewed in order to formulate an action plan. Such review is typically not expensive and will empower you to make a decision on how to proceed. Please contact me directly offline.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

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Answered on 1/13/17, 8:04 am

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