Legal Question in Workers Comp in North Carolina

Back Injury (Workers Comp)

I injured my back on the job, went to two physical therapist both stopped tratments, did not want to injury me more, had a MRI showed hurniated disc, bulging disc, and tears. Had all the cortisone shots will no help. The doctor has said he wanted to set my up with more x-rays, and get a rating on me, a FEC, and nothing else could be done for me, the nurse came in to set it up, I told her fine do it and give me my paper work so I can leave. Since day one I have not agree with what the doctor has been telling me, and I guess since I was rude with hem, and the nurse, I found out he released me to full duty, no restrictons, and no kind of rating, is there anything I can do, still having bad back pains, and leg going numb.

Asked on 10/08/07, 6:50 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Stephen Camak Lennon, Camak & Bertics, PLLC

Re: Back Injury (Workers Comp)

First, I recommend you get a second opinion from a back specialist. The carrier must pay for it by law. I recommend Dr. Craig Derian, in Durham, NC, if you are close to the Triangle.

Second, make sure your claim is filed with the NC Industrial Commission within two years of your date of injury on Form 18.

Third, you may want to consider consulting with an experienced attorney the more your injury affects your health and earning capacity.

Get Bulletin, Form 18 and other info from NCIC website. You can link via our site at Good luck!

S. Neal Camak

Lennon & Camak, PLLC

Raleigh, NC

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Answered on 10/10/07, 9:34 am

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