Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan

legal or illegal?

I recently found out that my ex-husband isn't using his divorce attorney. He hired a new one so that he can continue to hurt me via legal abuse. It is 2 yrs after our divorce. He can afford an attorney &I can't. He used the court system to put me $30,000.00 in debt. I have 3 children that I just want to live a peaceful life with,yet he won't stop the legal action. He recently got married & told my brother that he spent $100,000.00 fighting me & now that he has a 2nd income to work with & he�ll continue to fight me if he thinks that I am crossing his line. My question: Would it be illegal for me to contact my ex-husband's former lawyer? She was a shrew & I could never afford her fees but I want to ask her if she does any pro-bono work because I heard that she is a really great attorney for female causes. I also know that she does ot want to work for my ex anymore because she took a deposition from a married woman who was pretending to be my friend-to use against me & that woman married my ex several months later. She is now aware that the 2 are emotionally abusive towards my children & therefore she opted out. I think that if I had the guts to ask her & it is legal-she'd help me. question: is it legal for me to call her?

Asked on 6/07/06, 9:40 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

legal or illegal?

The attorney would not ethically be permitted to represent you. Perhaps you'd want to consider another lawyer if your finances permit. You might also be able to have the judge order your ex to pay some or all of your attorney fees. Check us out on the web at

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Answered on 6/07/06, 9:50 pm
William Stern William Stern, P.C.

Re: legal or illegal?

Don't waste your time. She learned lots of stuff while representing your husband and it would be unethical to use that information against him. Get your own lawyer. William S. Stern

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Answered on 6/07/06, 10:26 pm

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